Sunday, December 7, 2008

Week 1, Day 4

Another super easy lesson. Covered statements, expressions, operators, etc. Nothing groundbreaking. It is identical to PERL and PHP, and since I have programmed in both I could have easily passed up THIS chapter as well.
The only thing unique about this chapter was the exercises at the end... two of the tripped me up and made me think.

Today's "Class"
Not interested in putting down the majority of the chapter, as it is super basic for anyone with a background in either C, PERL, PHP, even Visual Basic to some extent.
One thing to note though, is the "static_cast( variableName )" from the lesson. This lets you convert an integer into a float (or whatever you have instead of "float", I would assume). This does NO good unless you actually do it BEFORE you need a decimal value though, otherwise it will just be an integer stored as a float.

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